martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

my letter

Hello Pamela, this is your work with some corrections... see you. You are good in English! good work.
Hi.. teacher whats up?? I´m so sorry but my new messenger doesn´t work. haha.. later I will give you the new messenger.. it´s all right??i hope that... ok... I´m seventeen years old... I was born here in Cuauhtemoc and I like living here.I love Cuauhtemoc.. is the best City in the world... yeah!My hobbies are dancing and play basketball OMG!! i lovee that..I love go to the movies with my friends is awesomee! I love the acction movies. I saw the Avatar movie OMG is awesome... haha..
My mom is my best friend in the world I told her everything!! because she and I lived alone whitout my father!! yeah!! and I never see him... and that is ok.. for meeI´m so happy in that way!! ok.. thats all for the moment.. See you teacher Sincerely: Pamela" :D ♥ ♫ ♪